“From Sacrifice, Bliss”

Joseph Campbell

“Magic is what we live for. We think we want material goods—but what we really want is to feel alive” - Daniel Z. Lieberman

The Hero is the Ultimate Sacrifice

There is a connecting theme among my work that extends beyond every medium I have worked in or idea I’ve tried to convey; magic.

Magic that connects between myself and nature, the link between subject and my audience as well as the relationship I have with spiritually. As a spiritual person, my work is a reflection of my own experiences and rituals as I strive to understand myself. An act of self-compassion, my work is like a hand outstretched.

Ancient magic and the unconscious mind have become an active part of my work. All my life I have looked at everything with a sense of distance, especially my own feelings. With my art it’s like I can look at it all a little more. My grief, my shame, my love. A part of me always hopes the work will save the parts of myself I ignore.

Where I am looking for ways to express myself, I expect my audience to relate to the emotional themes in my work. After making that connection between themselves, as the individual, and I, as the artist, I blend the two characters in the same way I mix the conscious and unconscious minds that exist within. To meet myself, my work is a constant feedback loop of where I am at in my growth and emotional maturity through self portraiture.